8:30 Service: In-person, Communion every Sunday ~ 11:00 Service: In-person & Livestream

Sunday Mornings

Every Sunday, children and youth pour the water into the baptismal font. You can sign up for the 8:30 am or 11:00 service below!

Water Pourer Sign-Up

Sunday Mornings Groups

On Sunday mornings from 9:40-10:40 am (Sept-May) we offer multiple ways for youth to meet by age group and dive deeper into scripture and Christian faith practices as we discuss the meaning for our lives as followers of Jesus the Christ.

  • Middle School (5th & 6th Grade) - Teachers: Chasity Hunt, Jami Hart, Carl Walter, and Jordan Yeiser
    Middle School Sunday School meets every Sunday morning from September to May. We are using the PCUSA curriculum, Follow Me: Biblical Practices for Faithful Living. We take a look at the different practices Jesus taught and lived and how we can use them today to strengthen our faith and live a life of discipleship. We have our middle grades together in the Middle School room in the Youth area. We will delve a little deeper into the faith questions and use quizzes, videos, and activities to experience and talk about the practices and what we are called to say and do.
  • Confirmation Discipleship Pathway (primarily 7th – 9th Grades) – Teachers: Jen Brown-Murphy, Marissa Carver, and Cindy Pennington
    This Sunday morning Pathway is for those youth getting ready to go through Confirmation, those going through Confirmation, or those who have just been Confirmed and are learning where they can be active in their faith and membership at Second Pres! Although not a requirement for going through Confirmation, the Confirmation Discipleship Pathway will be a place to really discuss and learn things like the history of the church, concepts of Jesus the Christ and the Trinity, what disciples are called to do, and what choices we make because we are Christians - as youth consider their Confirmation and how they will live out their faith. Youth going through Confirmation will find what we do in this group to be a great support in the Confirmation process and in putting their own faith into a personal written statement as part of Confirmation. This class is primarily aimed at 7th to 9th graders, but would be suitable for any youth going through Confirmation! This class will begin on September 17, 2023.

  • 10th-12th Graders
    Join the Bible Explorers Pathway, help with a children’s Sunday School class, or both! Bible Explorers is led by Shawn Caudill and meets in Room 202. The group uses short videos to prompt conversations about the Bible—where it came from, how we read it, and how it presents a unified story that leads to Jesus. Which leads to a crucial question: Where is Jesus leading me? Learn more here.

Youth can also help in a children’s Sunday School classroom - contact Jen Brown-Murphy to learn more!

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